Do you qualify for disability benefits in Alberta? Discover the application process along with other information to ensure you're on track.
Mar 08, 2023
In Alberta, there are many support options available for people with disabilities. The Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) program offers support and services tailored to the specific needs of eligible families and children. The Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program assists adults with developmental disabilities to achieve independent living within their communities. Read below to see how you can apply for these programs!
Applying for Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD)
The FSCD program works with eligible families to provide support and services based on each child and family’s needs. Before applying, check what FSCD offers for support and services to ensure that this program is appropriate for your family. Then, if you’d like to speak with someone, you can talk to an Alberta Supports staff member at 1-877-644-9992.
The child with a disability must be under 18 years
The child must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
The person applying for the program must be the child’s guardian
The child must reside in Alberta
Must provide medical documentation confirming the child has a disability or awaiting a diagnosis.
The diagnosis for a disability must be a developmental, physical, sensory, mental, or neurological condition or impairment.
The diagnosis must not be a condition for which the primary need is for medical care or health services.
After you fulfill the requirements and the necessary documentation, you can apply for FSCD online. Create an account and fill up your application at myAlbertaSupports.
You will need to provide supporting documents such as:
Proof of citizenship or permanent residency
Medical documents from a health professional that states your child’s diagnosis
Once you’ve completed the application, you can submit it online, by mail, or drop it off in person at the nearest FSCD office.
FSCD reviews process
After you submit your application, an FSCD worker reviews your application and will contact you if your child is eligible or if they need further clarification regarding your application.
If your child isn’t eligible, they will contact you and your support team to explain why and provide information and other programs for which you may be eligible.
You can also take your concerns or request a review of your FSCD decision here.
If your child is eligible for the FSCD program, they will set up a meeting with you to discuss your child’s specific needs and assess community programs or supports that may be helpful. You and an FSCD worker will create an Individualized Family Support Plan (IFSP) based on the agreed short and long-term goals for your child’s development.
FSCD agreement
You will get an FSCD agreement once you and your worker agree on services. The FSCD agreement outlines the services the FSCD program will provide to help you meet the goals. It is a legal document that can last up to 3 years. Keep your FSCD worker updated for any changes in your information. Your FSCD worker is available throughout the year to discuss changing or ongoing needs. If you want to appeal a decision regarding your eligibility for the FSCD program, you can follow the steps here.
Applying for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD)
The PDD program helps eligible adults with developmental disabilities over the age of 18 plan, coordinate, and access services to live as independently as possible. Make sure that you are applying for the right program. Review the supports and services available through the Persons with Developmental Disabilities Program.
Check to see if you are eligible for PDD:
You must be 16 years old to apply and 18 when my PDD services start
You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident that resides in Alberta
You must have a developmental disability from before you were 18. A developmental disability is not the same as a physical disability, a health condition or a mental disorder. Please see the Developmental Disabilities Guidelines for more detailed information.
To apply for funding through the PDD Program, please go to and follow the instructions:
You must provide the required documentation, such as a birth certificate, proof of citizenship or permanent residency, an assessment confirming your disability and other documentation for any other programs you are in.
Gather all the documents and make copies for your files. Then, upload all the files with your PDD application.
If you need help filling out the online application, you can contact Alberta Supports. Disability Services will utilize the information provided through the application and assessment documents to determine whether or not a person is eligible for PDD. You must provide the following documentation.
If you are eligible, your PDD worker will contact you. You and your PDD worker will create a plan focusing on what you can do to help build the life you want. Caseworkers will support you in exploring services and supports.
Applying for Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH)
The Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) program provides financial and health benefits to eligible adult Albertans with a permanent medical condition that prevents them from earning a living. They provide monthly income, health benefits, as well as financial benefits for those caring for adult dependants for eligible people.
Open a bank account in your own name. Money cannot be deposited into your parent's account, but having a joint account with your parent is okay.
Coordination between the PDD Program and the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) Program
For Individuals who are also applying to the AISH program, a coordinated application exists between the PDD and AISH programs. The coordinated intake process streamlines the application process, as applicants only have to provide their medical documentation once. The PDD program will accept all applicable information that was gathered by the AISH program if the individual began their application process with the AISH program. Conversely, the AISH program will accept the PDD program’s approval for eligibility as substantiation for the AISH program’s medical eligibility.
If you are eligible for AISH you may receive:
A monthly living allowance – money to pay for your living costs such as food, rent and utilities
A monthly child benefit – money to assist you with raising your dependent child(ren)
Health benefits – assistance to cover health needs for you, your spouse or partner and your dependent child(ren)
Personal benefits – money over and above your monthly living allowance for specific needs such as a special diet or assistance in an emergency
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